Thursday, March 24, 2011

Purses Need Friends Too

Every lovely purse needs an equally attractive wallet, or the whole bit just isn't any fun dontcha think?

This, my friends, is the wallet that caused all the headaches.  This is the wallet that wouldn't fit into the carefully crafted purse, which lead me to abandoning the bag altogether because of it's shortcomings (literally.  Another inch longer and we all would have been happy).

It's awful cute, though.  So I have forgiven it for the agony it caused.

Therefore, I spent another Sunday creating Perfect Purse #2, which lovingly holds the wallet with room to spare for keys, coupons, kid snacks and other necessities of motherhood.  And peace reins again.

Two full-sized pockets, a zipper pouch for coins, six credit card slots and a snap to secure the whole thing.  A magnetic snap is easier to install and therefore tempting to use, but I don't recommend it because of the close proximity to your credit cards.  Put on your Brave Hat, cut the two holes in your project, and install a real snap.

The funky hexagon fabric was a fat quarter I picked up at a quilt show last fall.  I have no idea who the designer is.  The designer of the yellow is also eluding my brain, but I remember it was from a line called "Monaco" on  The hot pink diamond was a scrap gifted to me from my Mom, who, I should mention, taught me almost everything I know about crafting.  (Thanks Mom - you're super!)  I think she said it came from Hancock Fabrics.

Want to make a wallet like this!  It's insanely easy.  Really.  Check out this tutorial.  Note that hers is made with a vinyl cover which really stiffens it up.  I used cotton fabric instead, so I added an extra layer of extra-stiff sew-in interfacing to the final step, right before you turn it all right side out.  It gives the wallet some heft.

1 comment:

  1. YOU, my friend, are SUPER awesome. I can't believe you made that wallet!! WOW! It's so great. **bows down** You're so talented!! :)
