Here's a picture of Duck the cat checking it out. I'm nervous the thing is too small for catnaps! Duck isn't exactly small.
Yesterday I also cleaned out Emily the lizards terrarium. It had been awhile, and unlike Duck, she doesn't try to keep things neat and tidy by always doing her business in a designated spot. After the scrubbing, it occurred to me that she might enjoy some Holiday spirit as well. So I took the Christmas wreath from my daughters dollhouse and hung it on her treehouse. :-)
Her treehouse is built from a set of knock-off wood blocks, like Lincoln Logs but square. |
Why yes, that IS a crocheted rug! Feels so much more cozy, don't you think? She's in her warming spot there, on the roof. In her little world that makes her close to the sun. |
Emily, lounging on her lizard ladder (photo take through the mesh top) |
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