First, it's been
over a month since my last post and that's just plain unacceptable. Stuff got in the way. Life stuff. We finished an addition to the house, and then hired landscapers to repair the yard, and then dear hubby decided to remodel the kitchen and all this was happening at the same time and while I love progress (and new stuff) all the chaos has made me nearly lose my everlovin mind. As of tomorrow, all plant materials will be installed into their new homes, and my biggest concern will be keeping everything adequately watered. I'm nervous. Growy things have never, ahem.....
thrived in my care before. But I'm determined this time will be different. Because progress is expensive.
Grow Dammit! Aaaaahhhhh I said GROW! |
huhhuhhuh...growing nachos is cool. |
In other news, the serger stopped serging. Mechanically, it's just fine, but it started to skip stitches. Mom said that's usually a sign the needles are too dull. No problem. A couple of new needles and it'll be good as new, right? Wrong! They don't make needles for this serger anymore. It was my mother-in-law's before I got it, so I have no idea how old it is. I suspect it's one of the earlier versions of home sergers. I've scoured the Internet, fabric stores, quilt shops and everywhere I can think of and no needles exist. Seriously frustrating.
If you happen to know where I can find two needles for a Babylock 5260, let me know. I'll be your BFF for all eternity and send you cookies on your birthday.